
Import business experts
Currency exchange is the lifeblood of an importer and getting the right exchange rate can lead to more profit. That’s why we offer importers the best exchange rates in Vancouver. We can track your suppliers and make sure they get paid. Or we can make payments to your customers who will then receive a free confirmation email.


Flexible exchange
We have experts to help you with currency exchange. With us, you can lock in rates with open-dated or fixed-dated futures contracts, avoid uncertain market conditions and stabilize your business.


Experienced staff
We have a strong track record of helping importers bring goods into Canada. We train our staff on strict import rules so that all your transactions are handled smoothly and accurately. Everything we do is completely transparent, so you don’t have to worry about hidden fees


seddigh Website
Sadiq Exchange is proud to operate with an official license from the Canadian government and a 25-year history, regardless of fees, and by employing expert and experienced staff in providing information and foreign exchange services according to the needs of respected customers. The policy of our group is always respect for customers, honesty, trustworthiness, quick response and 24 hours a day.

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