
Safe exchange
We have a wealth of local knowledge to help you make the most of your holiday. With so much to do in this amazing city, you’ll want to make sure you always have the right amount of cash on hand.

Fast and reliable service
If you have extra currency left over from your travels, contact us and we’ll help you make a smart financial decision that will save you money.


Domestic and foreign currencies available
We have more than 75 foreign currencies to trade. Whether you’re traveling to Australia, the UK, Thailand or Mexico, we can get you the money you need quickly.


Knowledgeable personnel
If you haven’t planned or don’t like planning, come talk to us about stretching your budget so you can have the best vacation possible. Our team can help answer and resolve any questions or concerns you may have regarding currency exchange and your next trip.


seddigh Website
Sadiq Exchange is proud to operate with an official license from the Canadian government and a 25-year history, regardless of fees, and by employing expert and experienced staff in providing information and foreign exchange services according to the needs of respected customers. The policy of our group is always respect for customers, honesty, trustworthiness, quick response and 24 hours a day.

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