What is immigration?

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Migration is an international action by the people of one country to the destination country where they are not considered natives and are not citizens there. The purpose of immigration is to settle and stay in the destination country, especially permanent residence and obtaining citizenship of that country, as well as employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker.

What is immigration?

Migration usually refers to long-term displacement and does not include tourists and temporary and short-term visitors; But short-term and seasonal labor migration is considered as a subset of migration.

People usually decide to migrate to build a better future and escape from the problems in their country.

Research and statistics have shown that migration can benefit both the country of origin and the destination country of the immigrant, because a country that has a shortage of labor supplies its labor from countries that have a surplus of labor, where both countries They benefit from this action.

Therefore, the idea that immigrants are often consumers or at the expense of the destination country is a misconception. According to statistics, immigrants have been a high source of income for the country of destination so far.

For example, a large and rich country like America, which is the most accepting country in the world, has a large percentage of its economy dependent on the immigration of people from other countries to the United States. Because not only America earns money from these immigrants, but also people from all over the world have the opportunity to invest and create jobs in America and thus help the American economy.


Migration methods

through birth
through marriage
through education
through work
through investment
through asylum (immigration through asylum is not part of the green card services)


Immigration by birth
The immigration laws of most countries in the world (such as the United States) are such that if your child is born in that country, he will acquire the citizenship of that country and will be considered a citizen of that country and can obtain a passport of that country. Even in some developed countries such as Canada, by giving birth to your child there, you can get the residence of that country and immigrate there and enjoy the privilege of your child’s citizenship.

Migration through marriage
If you marry a citizen or a resident of a country, in this way you can immigrate to that country and join your spouse and live together in his country. All the countries of the world have given this privilege to their citizens to apply for an immigrant visa for their legal spouse.

Migration through education
Although you study in most countries of the world, you are not considered as a citizen of that country, and the visa that is granted to you is non-immigrant, and you are required to leave that country after completing your legal studies, but this right is given to you. If you find a job in that country or marry a citizen of that country, change your visa to an immigrant visa.

Migration through work
By finding a job in a foreign country, you have the possibility to obtain the residence of that country, and in this way, in addition to acquiring different job skills, you earn more and improve your job status, you can freely live in that country. Live and enjoy the privileges of citizenship there.

Migration through investment
By investing in developed countries, you have the chance to take advantage of the economic conditions of that country and, in addition to earning money, have the opportunity to immigrate to those countries for life.

Migration through asylum
Most of the developed countries have provided this opportunity for the nationals of war-torn and communist-dominated countries to refer to those countries in this way. Keep in mind that this option can only be a good option for war-torn countries, but it will be the worst possible option for citizens of other countries, and usually people who do not have the necessary conditions but apply for asylum are sent back to their country after enduring many hardships.

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